During the research process, we had the opportunity to explore different perspectives on how to promote resilience in neighbourhoods and cities, which resulted in a variety of resources. Listed below, you will find academic and professional publications, as well as a series of webinars, where we were joined by experts to discuss the topic of designing for neighbourhood resilience while addressing social and ecological issues in an integral way.

Human/Non-Human Public Spaces: Designing for resilient urban neighborhoods
This booklet and the accompanying card set present ‘Human / Non-Human Public Spaces’ – a design perspective on neighborhood resilience. This perspective encourages designers, policymakers, and community organizers to understand and promote neighborhood resilience in a particular way: it shows the potential of public space as a site for intervention to strengthen both human and non-human communities.
The booklet contains an elaborate introduction to the design perspective. It theoretically grounds the perspective and situates it in our present time, marked by the Covid-19 pandemic and other emerging crises.
With the card set, the design perspective can be explored in a more hands-on way. By describing actionable design strategies based on real-world examples, the cards aim to inspire and inform projects and initiatives that aim to promote neighborhood resilience.
Human/Non-Human Public Spaces: Designing for resilient urban neighborhoods